Come and see a talk about The Hive Mind in Brighton on 7th August! University of Sussex Campus Lenka will give a talk about the development of The Hive Mind on 7th August at the University of Sussex, Brighton. All welcome!

Arundel Building, Room 223, Falmer Campus, University of Sussex [MAP]

Time: 2pm, 07/08/2015

Talk summary The Hive Mind is a creative 3D puzzle game where players explore the world of parallel programming and insect-inspired decentralised construction. Deployed on an alien planet, a swarm of robots place bricks in the world based on rules that the player defines. In this talk, I will introduce the game, the motivation behind it and give an overview of our development process. I will then discuss the lessons learned from observing how children played the game. Finally, I will show a live demonstration of how simple rules can be combined to give rise to a complex structure.

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